An important romanian medical group delay its expansion on Moldavian market due to the Ukrainean crisis

An important romanian medical group delay its expansion on Moldavian market due to the Ukrainean crisis

August 9, 2014

Medical Group Romgermed holds the extension on the Moldavian and Bulgarian markets, due to the crisis in Ukraine. At August 31, 2014, Romgermed had business with 15% higher than the same period of 2013 and argues that the decision to postpone the extension on the Moldavian and Bulgarian markets does not affect the group’s financial evolution.
“Now we will direct these funds for capacity building of the national market. For the group, the evolution of the internal market is expected to be positive this year, “says Ciprian Nicoara, General Manager of Medical Group Romgermed, quoted

Medical Group Romgermed has, at present, 20 laboratories nationwide in which, last year, were operated more than 4 million tests.
